Sunday, November 8, 2009

Unwanted men in black and a lady

It's amazing how one thing leads to another. I'm a big fan of the Outback house series. I wish they'd do another one. In the last episode the ladies of the house perform for the shearers and they sing a song called ryebuck shearer. Doing a search of youtube came up with these guys singing it.
I loved their rendition of it and the quirky look and sound these guys had. They have 16 songs you can listen to on their youtube space.
If you like Johny Cash and some of the old cowboy songs you may like them. Mick has a good deep voice for these type of songs and if you can forgive him for forgetting the words sometimes they really are a great bunch to listen to.


  1. hi there! enjoying your blog. you are way ahead of us with your living situation and plantings. love your woodstove. the snake looks like a coastal carpet python. the kids had one as a pet and now have a diamond python. they are great for keeping vermin down and quite harmless. really sorry to here about your dog ruby. go and get a puppy (is the usual advice...) our dog killed a black snake last time we were at bobo creek and it's the first time i have seen any aggression at all in her - ever! now i'm scared she might get bitten. anyway, good to meet you online and i will enjoy watching the development. cheers, kate

  2. Thanks for dropping by. I know I will get another red heeler again one day(My favourite breed). Just not yet.
    I've been wondering if the pythons don't keep the poisonous snakes away.
