These 2 pink lady apple trees have done poorly. There are plenty of parasitic insects here that destroy the foliage as it shoots. Amazing what a little chook poo from home and cow pats from down the road can do for you plants.
I live in Brisbane Qld. In the last 10 years I feel Brisbane has outgrown itself and me. High density housing and traffic and roadworks has left me looking for wide open spaces. So in 2007 I purchased a bush block to escape to on weekends and hopefully move to in the not too distant future.
I call this place Gullygunyah. There is a humpy on a hill between two gullies and that's how I came up with the name.
Gullygunyah is at pierce creek. about 10k's north of crows nest at the northern end of the darling downs.
It is a 36acre block split by a road into 25 and 11 acre lots. At the moment I am focusing only on the 25 acre part where the humpy is.
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